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  The Arcade (29 Games in 4 Categories)  
Player with most highscores Player on 2nd place Player on 3rd place
George W. Bush
(6 Highscores)
(5 Highscores)
(4 Highscores)

King of the Arcade Leader of Leaderboard
got 6 times
the High Score of all time
with a score of 216
Newest Champions 
ninjaface is the new Kitten Cannon champion! 10-16-2017
ninjaface is the new Simon champion! 09-08-2017
Cocktooth is the new YetiSports 3 - Seal Bounce champion! 10-21-2013
vaga1220 is the new Jewel Thief champion! 07-31-2011
vaga1220 is the new Hexxagon champion! 05-12-2010
Latest Arcade Score 
ninjaface Scored 34,227 points playing Tetris
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Information about Tournaments in the Arcade
1 Tournaments waiting for players
0 running tournaments
18 finished tournaments
Active Tournaments Enrolled in: 0
Still qualified in 0
Eliminated in 0
Disqualified in 0
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Game Information
Penguin/Yeti (12)
Puzzle (3)
Classics (5)
Other (9)
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YetiSports 1 - Pingu Throw
Times Played: 1368   Rating: 2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes
with a score of 12,283
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 10 - Icicle Climb
Help pengu climb the mountain with icicles.
Times Played: 1113   Rating: 1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes
with a score of 12.585
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 2 - Orca Slap
Times Played: 1248   Rating: 2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes
with a score of 801.2
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 3 - Seal Bounce
Catapult, dash and throw the penguin. This time Yeti wants to throw the penguin as high as possible.
Times Played: 478   Rating: 2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes
with a score of 482.51
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 3 - Seal Bounce (Best 5)
Times Played: 2076   Rating: 4 Votes4 Votes4 Votes4 Votes4 Votes
with a score of 1,749.49
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 4 - Albatross Overload
Yeti is back . This time in Austrailia.
Times Played: 1465   Rating: 2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes
with a score of 4,549.49
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 5 - Flamingo Drive
A Yeti Game with a golf twist.
Times Played: 4302   Rating: 2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes
Landing Strip
with a score of 5,685
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 6 - Big Wave
Times Played: 1583   Rating: 1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes
Landing Strip
with a score of 33,620
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 7 - Snowboard FreeRide
Yeti on skis.
Times Played: 767   Rating: 1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes1 Votes
Ironic Mustache
with a score of 7,009
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 8 - Jungle Swing
Yeti is the Jungle, swinging.
Times Played: 3391   Rating: 3 Votes3 Votes3 Votes3 Votes3 Votes
angry pancake
with a score of 3,333
Personal Best: N/A
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YetiSports 9 - Final Spit
Hit penguins only. The other animals are not so humorous and decrease your score
Times Played: 263   Rating: 3 Votes3 Votes3 Votes3 Votes3 Votes
with a score of 2,104
Personal Best: N/A
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Yetisports StageDive
yeti stagedive *restart version*
Times Played: 447   Rating: 2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes2 Votes
with a score of 598.3
Personal Best: N/A
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Users Active in the Arcade (Total Users: 0, Record Total: 8)
Members: 0 | Guests: 0 | Anonymous: 0 

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