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Unread 02-20-2021, 12:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default The tyranny of the intentional object, heroin drips, and endogenous opiods.

Here I explain why natural selection is coercive and diverts what we really want, (high-valence states) by giving them to us through things that we think give us meaning by actually promote our fitness.

AKA why you probably like human tits but slugs like slug tits and why it feels bad when your social status gets lowered because of how much of an idiot you made yourself.

I'll get back to this but if you want the story from a Yank here's Andres, founder of Stanford transhumanists..
P sure i've posted this before but it's pretty central to my worldview and if you haven't been introduced to it it's not obvious, because natural selection has done a really good job at hiding things.

opioids has an extra i
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Unread 02-25-2021, 09:39 AM   #2 (permalink)
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"Intentionality" (the "aboutness" of thought) is a devilishly midleading term.
Sorry I can't explain it better it's a big mystery to me too
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Unread 03-10-2021, 07:08 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Evolution via natural selection has “encephalised” pleasure and pain so we believe all sorts of things inherently matter beyond states of the pleasure-pain axis. Such belief is genetically adaptive. I’m sceptical it’s true.
- @webmasterdave

Encephalised I guess in my mind is how the brain "paints on" pleasure and pain onto things, the pleasurable taste of cake isn't in the cake and for some organism cake happens to be fitness-reducing you might expect cake to taste like shit.

Same as why we are revolted when we smell dogshit or something, it's good to be revolted because the germs will fuck you up. But slugs love dogshit probably
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Unread 03-13-2021, 05:11 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Different people value different things. Not true. We value one thing, it's in our brains. Even worms have it. Doesn't feel this way because our brain projects the thing we want onto external things that probably improved our fitness. The environment of evolutionary adaptedness (EEA) is the ancestral environment to which a species is adapted. It is the set of selection pressures that shaped an adaptation.

Like why we all love the sugar.. love is in brains guys
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Unread 03-13-2021, 05:12 PM   #5 (permalink)
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One further.. Genome "wants" these things to maintain itself: entropy. It exploits the brain feels to get what it needs from the environment.
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Unread 03-13-2021, 05:13 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Let me wirehead you and you'll agree
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Unread 03-24-2021, 12:17 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Get rid of the pleasure centres and nothing matters
Oh but it's a marketplace and everyone values different things woo let's trade

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Unread 03-26-2021, 04:47 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dent View Post

Evolution via natural selection has “encephalised” pleasure and pain so we believe all sorts of things inherently matter beyond states of the pleasure-pain axis. Such belief is genetically adaptive. I’m sceptical it’s true.
- @webmasterdave

Encephalised I guess in my mind is how the brain "paints on" pleasure and pain onto things, the pleasurable taste of cake isn't in the cake and for some organism cake happens to be fitness-reducing you might expect cake to taste like shit.

Same as why we are revolted when we smell dogshit or something, it's good to be revolted because the germs will fuck you up. But slugs love dogshit probably
This is probably one of the most important things to understand for the truthseekers out there.
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Unread 01-11-2022, 09:44 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dent View Post
This is probably one of the most important things to understand for the truthseekers out there.
I still think this.

Tits just are pleasure inducing right?
Ever had a girl gobble ur cock and say she loves it bc it's rock hard or something but you don't have the same response?

Intentional objects.
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Unread 01-11-2022, 11:42 AM   #10 (permalink)
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^ Dent pretending he doesn't like gobbling rock hard cocks
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